color genetics and breeding groups question


9 Years
Jan 4, 2011
I am a newb to quail and just picked up my first bunch this week. I also have meat rabbits and have raised guinea pigs and dairy goats so i am not new to breeding and genetics.

My bunch are 5wks and i am waiting for crowing/eggs. Two are tibetan tuxedo (with less white than color), and of the other five only one has a fully dark head, the others are tibetan but have white under the chin and yellow blaze on each side of the head. From searches i am unsure if the white underchin is a tibetan with crappy tuxedo marking so its just the little bit of white or if its a different color or pattern name.
There was one from the hatching that the people were keepin that was a gold color but i didnt grab it so unsure if it was manchurian or italian. They are different colors right? Not just two names for the same thing? From reading it seemed italians are the yellowgold with regular dark spots like pharoh/wild.. and the manchurians are the all over goldyellow light color.. ?
Both are very pretty and i hope later when i decide to hatch out some that the colors pop up :)

Is there a simple sort of chart for the colors and breeding? Like.. color A is dominant over B C D and best color breedings to another A or an E... or color C is incomplete dominant so its dominant over these (yadda yadda colors) and 50-50 odds with these colors (yadda yadda colors) and best bred to colors B D or another C.
Anyone know if a simple write out like that exists? Or could explain? Lol its the incompletes etc that mess me up, the plain dominant and recessive i get.

There is a thread on breeds in the sticky section I believe, or there used to be years ago when I started this. You could glean some information the forum and online and make a chart like you describe. If that is how you'd understand or like to learn or reference, I bet there will be those in our community that would benefit from the same.

I got the first egg earliest at around 6 weeks, 10 at the latest. I heard crows much later though. In fact I hadn't heard any for months and months, but when they started it wasn't that exciting.
Use advanced search to find the other genetic based threads. There are several members who don't post anymore who have poultry science back grounds and genetics has been discussed much around here. Also if you can provide a punnet square for your current birds there are genetic calculators on the web that allow you to input the 4 genetic factors from each parent and see what the resulting offspring would be.
Use advanced search to find the other genetic based threads. There are several members who don't post anymore who have poultry science back grounds and genetics has been discussed much around here. Also if you can provide a punnet square for your current birds there are genetic calculators on the web that allow you to input the 4 genetic factors from each parent and see what the resulting offspring would be. 

Oooh! I am fairly good with punnet squares i just havent figured the rules and names yet do it. Guess i will have to search more. Thanks.

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