Color help please

Looks like a Copper keet to me. Hope you keep it and take lots of pics of it as it matures... there are no good quality adult pics of any Coppers online. And I am sure Barbara will want a pic of it as an adult for the color chart over there GFIA, that slot is empty.
I really hope you are right that it is copper. I have had other guesses of pied slate, pewter and pied pewter & pastel. I can't wait to find out for sure.
This little guy is extra special since I had to help him out of his shell.
He started to hatch... Got his face out then all his flock-mates piled on top of him and they all took a nap. Hours later he was still in the same position and was totally shrink wrapped. I usually don't step in but I couldn't help but fall in love with those blinking eyes. He seems healthy and fine so I am glad I did. I will be taking tons of pictures of him as he grows. He is already a movie star.. lol

If it does turn out to be copper.. I would submit it to the GFIA, if they would want it. I gave them a beautiful picture of my pastel female and they never added it.
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I checked into why the photo was not added, Sandshaven. You posted it on the GFIA forum in March 2013. I thought it was beautiful, and I asked our President if we could use it in the chart. I never received a response (she must not have seen the thread), and I don't have the authority to decide if a photo would be appropriate to use. I'm just the "computer guy." I should have followed up on it, and I'm sorry for that. I will ask again. Of course we would love to use it and any other pictures you might have that would either be better representatives of the various colors or would fill in the many blank spots on the chart. We'd appreciate all of the help we can get. Everyone's input is most welcome!
Just got the word, Sandshaven. Cindy says that your pastel adult "is a good one!" I'll be adding the photo to the chart first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you so much for helping us build a better chart!

I'm leaning toward saying your keet in question is a pied pewter. Whatever it turns out to be, we'd be interested in featuring it on the chart. We don't have a picture of a copper adult or a pied pewter keet or adult. Thanks for taking such wonderful pictures of your guineas!
This is a Pewter keet, and it belongs to a friend of mine. It is still a little wet/not quite all the way fluffed in this pic... but you can see there is a slight greyish tint to it's head and body color. Coppers do not have that greyish tint, they are more reddish/golden. It's head is not nearly as red/golden and SandShaven's keet's head is.

Here is the same Pewter keet fully dried and fluffed, with the grey tint much being more obvious not just on the head, but over the entire body.

Also (and this is key)... on any keet that's substantially Pied (such as one with as much white as far up the wings as SandShavens' keet has), the patch of color/head markings would be much more narrower.
I was going by the pewter keet we have pictured on our color chart, Peeps. It looked a lot like Sandshaven's keet to me (without the extra white), but what do I know? LOL
Thanks Barbara for checking in on that for me.. I would love to help the GFIA with their color chart if I can.
I still don't think Chace looks like any of the keets on the chart there. I hope it is okay that I borrowed it to compare here.

And here is a pic 4 days old

Just got the word, Sandshaven. Cindy says that your pastel adult "is a good one!" I'll be adding the photo to the chart first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you so much for helping us build a better chart!

I'm leaning toward saying your keet in question is a pied pewter. Whatever it turns out to be, we'd be interested in featuring it on the chart. We don't have a picture of a copper adult or a pied pewter keet or adult. Thanks for taking such wonderful pictures of your guineas!
Do you need any pics of red eyed cinnamons or silvers?

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