Colored eggs!!

I don't know of any commerial hatcheries that sell Olive Eggers.

An example of how to make one is to bred a Marans rooster (very dark egg laying bred) to an Ameraucana Hen (blue egg layer) females from this breeding then lay an olive egg. Easter Egger hens are also used.

That is the simplest answer but there is an Olive Egger thread here that goes into much more detail. Several ppl here also sell Olive Egger hatchings.

Yes I love a colorful egg basket myself.
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I don't know of any commerial hatcheries that sell Olive Eggers.

An example of how to make one is to bred a Marans rooster (very dark egg laying bred) to an Ameraucana Hen (blue egg layer) females from this breeding then lay an olive egg. Easter Egger hens are also used.

That is the simplest answer but there is an Olive Egger thread here that goes into much more detail. Several ppl here also sell Oliver Egger hatchings.

Yes I love a colorful egg basket myself.

I've bred them this way, but also have one from a Wellie AM cross. Pretty Olive egg with speckles. I love those eggs.
Try They call theirs amerecana/araucana's but they're Easter'll get a blue/green, olive, even sometimes pink egg. I do belive they have someone from the hatchery online here at maybe they can explain why they call theirs that!
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A.T. Hagan :

They certainly are!

I make the color variety a selling point with my eggs.

I get a premium for them so I want the folks to think they are getting something special.

Right now my mixed flock mostly lays brown/light brown eggs with a few bantam layers but I am planning on culling my mixed flock quite heavily and then I want to order some Golden Buffs and some Easter Eggers. I have some Olive Eggers growing up and then I plan on having another run on hatching some sort of Maran for dark brown eggs!

~ Aspen​

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