Comb color and antibiotics.


9 Years
Feb 28, 2015
Is there a basic antibiotic that can be added to the water for a small flock of 7 hens. One of my 7 doesn't seem well. Comb turning dark and she is lethargic. Snuffling. .
What is the specific disease you are treating.
You can't randomly throw antibiotics at a presumed problem without knowing what the problem is.
Only a tiny percentage of bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoal, environmental or nutritional problems can be cured with an antibiotic and that would only be some of the bacterial infections.
I have no idea what is wrong with her. Lethargic, her comb is not as red as usual, she more or less stand in one spot. It was a thought that there could be something to put in the water to ensure better health with the others. I have had chickens for years, and never anything like this. I soaked some bread in olive oil when she first started snuffling and sneezing, in case her throat was restricted in some way. Don't know what else to do.

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