Combining eggs from 2 nests


Apr 23, 2016
My duck made a nest laid 6 eggs then made a second nest elsewhere and today laid her 10th egg in second nest. Question is can I get the 6 eggs from the first nest and put then on the second nest?
There is 16 eggs now in her nest and 6 in first nest. I was going to buy an egg incubator today but shop closed.
She can only hatch as many as will fit under her and the freshest eggs are best for hatching. If she tries to cover too many eggs you may have hardly any hatch. Our bantam Australian Spotted ducks usually sit on 8 to 10 eggs but when we raised Muscovies they could cover over 20 eggs so it depends on the size of the duck. We had a Spot try to sit on too many eggs and nothing hatched.

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