Compare Nutrena vs. Purina


12 Years
Dec 16, 2008
Northern Nevada USA
I have both available to me nearby. I have been using Purina Layena for my pullets but think they would do better with a higher protein feed since they free range a lot, essentially diluting the protein in their feed. I noticed that Nutrena has a higher protein feed (I think 20%) and I also noticed that soy is further down the list, unlike a no-name brand here. The no-name local brand has 20% protein but the first ingredient is soy.

Opinions? Experiences?
I don't buy Nutrena because it's owned by Cargill, a supporter of NAIS. I don't recall if it has animal protein in it, which, in my way of thinking, would be good. Also, I used to live down the road from one of the Cargill plants. Yuck, sometimes the air in the n'hood smelled like I was suffocating in a bag of dogfood.
Well both are made by Cargill. I would suspect that they come off of the same line. The Nutrena brand used to be a European brand and was bought by Cargill. Purina the most recognized brand in agriculture was also bought by Cargill. They charge a bit more for Purina where I live so maybe the ingredients are a bit more expensive. I keep detailed records and if you are free feeding chickens tend to eat just a bit more Nutrena and lay the same number of eggs with both. That also makes me think there are a bit more fillers in Nutrena and the chickens compensate by eating a bit more. Or maybe it was just the weather.

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