Comparing quail sizes

what is your male to female rate ?  How old and is there anything like mice , rats Squirls that could be upsetting your boys Preformance ? 

I have one male to 4-5 females depending on the cage. Nothing really upsetting the boys, just have one that seems to be either a slow maturer or not fertile. Yesterday my second test batch hatched, have 25 of the 28 fertile eggs hatched and one of the last three I can hear pecking so will give it one more night before tossing them.
I cant get a hold of him Been trying and Praying at the same time he is a great guy and very fun to talk too . I wish only the best for him in life . I may have to order from another source Pouts .
even though i know Robbi is the way to go i grow them out for pet food and my own food . Im down to 50 birds to slaughter . had to get rid of 50 lb heritage turkeys that came with MG and Gave it to my chickens so now i just have Quail Really is hard i want to redo my whole pens and cant order the turkeys and chickens as they live out side the quail ahve the garage . sucks sometimes
I cant get a hold of him Been trying and Praying at the same time he is a great guy and very fun to talk too  . I wish only the best for him in life . I may have to order from another source Pouts .
even though i know Robbi is the way to go i grow them out for pet food and my own food . Im down to 50 birds to slaughter . had to get rid of 50 lb heritage turkeys that came with MG and Gave it to my chickens so now i just have Quail Really is hard i want to redo my whole pens and cant order the turkeys and chickens as they live out side the quail ahve the garage . sucks sometimes 

Sorry you have had such a hard time getting a hold of Robbie, hopefully his health improves by spring and you can try then. Otherwise if you ever come to southern oregon I can try to help you out with some eggs.
It's been very crazy around my place so haven't been on much for up dates. I havnt done a complete weigh in for several weeks but have done spot checks and no one seems to be gaining any significant weight. Egg laying is very consistent now with an egg nearly every day from everyone. Two days ago I culled four birds, two JMF females and one extra male and one extra CL male. One of the JMF females had never layed an egg and one female layed eggs with porous shells and poor color. I have redistributed the remaining quails so I now have two pens of JMF birds and three pens of CL birds.

Overall the JMF birds lay a bigger average egg by two or three grams but the CL are on average much friendlier. The body size seems similar.

Would love to see what everyone else's weights are looking like and hear your experiences too. Will be on vacation for the next two weeks but will check in as I can.
I've been so busy I haven't had time to weigh any of my quail. But I am very happy with the JMF birds. At 4 weeks they truly look as big and my standards, as they are in long cages side by side. I have to get my older breeders processed this week so I can spread out the JMF birds.
We are having a big cold front today, it was 70 yesterday and going to be down in lower 20s tonight!! Have the quail all covered and either heat bulbs or light bulbs in the cages. My two chicken coops have their heat on as well and windows partially closed. This afternoon have to turn off and drain my low pressure water system and put other water in all the cages and coops. I knew there was a reason I didn't want this many birds for the winter!!
Today will be 4 week weigh in for my JMF Quail. I didn't get 3 week weights as I was away for 10 days. Got home yesterday and they've gotten huge! They're not right along side my other 'jumbo' adults but they look to be basically the same size!

I moved all my adult quail to a big run for the winter so I will only have to heat one waterer. So far they seem to be loving it!
Got ahold of Robbie , Keeping him in my prayers and Will continue to be so proud of what he is accomplishing.

I am Glad i found this group the first eggs i bought where from Kaitie and Very Good eggs 2 hatched out of 110 she sent BUT Thats because i had a styrophoam incubator and 6 cats wanting to free the babies LOL

now with my leahy i am sure ill do much better , Cant wait till monday eggs should be here Tammy
WHOA i just got the beautiful eggs from JMF or ROBBY . Holy poop if those eggs came out of the small quail i had they would be bow legged .
Very impressed with the eggs Thanks Robby

tried to call hope all is well

TINA GREAT JOB cant believe the packaging and yes i kept it away from my cats . now my dog things he gets an egg distributor

she loves Quail eggs but ignores chicken and duck

good thing i no longer have chicken and never had a duck except cooking eggs

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