Comprehensive list of poisonous plants and trees

Hi all would anyone be able to advise us on whether breadfruit, cooked or raw is safe for our pullets? Our tree has an abundance at the moment. We eat it cooked. I googled Mexican breadfruit as mentioned in this post but it doesn't look anything like the ones we grow. Many thanks
I did not see it on the list, but want to make sure if this plant is poisonous or not. I have been searching everywhere and cannot seem to get the answer i am looking for.

I want to know is Hypericum calycinum (St. John's Wort) is poisonous to chickens??? :cd

Thank you in advance for your speedy response. :)
I agree that I don't want my "flock" eating anything dangerous. I already fed them small amounts of avocado which is on the list unknowingly. As was stated the list may contain things that cause slight irritation all the way up to being fatal. I really appreciate your post as hat opened my eyes as we do think everything on that list is fatal. I probably have 25% of those things in my yard. Anyway, I am raising organic and the area they have access to has not been sprayed or anything bad used for years. However, I don't know if plants absorb stuff or cleanse stuff - probably depends on the type of "stuff"/poisons/pesticides. Any ideas?
Interesting, my girls ate my rhubarb plant leaves earlier this summer until I fenced it off because they were killing it and I was concerned as I know they can be toxic. They also snacked on the delphinium and lobelia in my planters all summer long. Perhaps it depends upon the amount consumed? Thus far everyone seems fine.
Oh, no! I'm a renter, and there are Virginia Creeper vines growing around most of the perimeter of my back yard where the chickens free range! They've been eating the berries, but are showing no signs of illness. What should I do? I'd hate to keep them penned all day! Ultimately, I'd move and get my own place, but that's not feasible right now.
I'm looking for a safe shrub/bush with a wide spread to provide shelter the chickens can run to if hawks come near, and maybe provide treats for them. I've found a type of wild rose that puts out plentiful rose hips. Anyone know if these are safe for chickens?

I have wild roses that provide shelter of sorts for my chickens and I have actually fed them the rose hips. They love them.
Also consider berry bushes, like mulberry or blueberry or raspberry...all great to have around chickens and they eat the berries is allowed! Extra food! I have a wild chokecherry in my chickens' run and it rovides nice cover as well... hope this helps!
Do you think leaves in a run would be toxic to chickens?

I was thinking of doing a deep litter in the new run with several inches of wood chips and then several inches of leaves, yard debris, etc. On top, hoping it will compost.

Since we have TONS of leaves, I thought I could just take them from the forest lol

Not sure exactly what kinds of leaves but I think we have some oaks and maples? And TONS of pine trees and pine needles.

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