Concerned...need help!!!


5 Years
Aug 1, 2014
Hutchinson, Kansas
I have a chick that hatched on monday...everything went really good, chick appears to be healthy with no defects that can be seen by the eye. However the chick is just not active like the other ones it sits around most the time with its eyes closed, is off balance, I catch it walking backwards alot, backs itself into corners and sits on its butt with its back resting along the wall. I am very concerned someone suggested sugar water I have done that and still no change....please help! Any advice or ideas is very much appreciated!!
I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like our chick. He suffered a neurological defect or head injury (we aren't sure which) that caused him to progressively get worse and worse. We had to put him down when it got to a really bad point where he just laid on his back and kicked his feet and twisted his head around. it was really sad. Keep trying vitamins, keep it extra warm, it may make a good come back.

Best of luck!
I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like our chick. He suffered a neurological defect or head injury (we aren't sure which) that caused him to progressively get worse and worse. We had to put him down when it got to a really bad point where he just laid on his back and kicked his feet and twisted his head around. it was really sad. Keep trying vitamins, keep it extra warm, it may make a good come back.

Best of luck!

what vitamins can I give it?
There are special vitamins you can buy at feed stores specifically for chicks. If you can't use these, try scrambling some eggs for it, which are full of vitamins, protein, and energy.
The chick had a seizure tonight right in front of me and died with 20 seconds. I'm guessing it's been happening all this time I just never caught it
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I'm so sorry to hear that.

There was probably nothing you could have done, but I know how hard it is not to blame yourself anyways. My poor little Fav had to be put down from his neurological condition, but it was still hard, as I tried to get him strong and held him for hours.

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