Concrete floor, not sure if I should add bedding?

I'm guessing that garden clippings in Australia and Kenya would be low moisture at cutting and dry very quickly when scattered.

In a wetter climate like Ireland, I could be cutting it every 3-4 days in Summer and it would turn in to a wet slick if cast across a coop.

I use wheat straw and occasionally cut long stemmy plants from some waste ground and use as bedding.

Guess what works for one does not work for another.
Quote: Oops Sorry Ken..missed that part.

I use dry ones too, if I put them in fresh they gorge on them, but my birds don't range....and then there's the molding issues.
If ranging they bite off tips, much less likely to pack too many long pieces into crop...and so many other thing to nosh probably ignore the fresh grass clippings.
Oops Sorry Ken..missed that part.

 I use dry ones too, if I put them in fresh they gorge on them, but my birds don't range....and then there's the molding issues.
If ranging they bite off tips, much less likely to pack too many long pieces into crop...and so many other thing to nosh probably ignore the fresh grass clippings.

Ours are free range all day so putting fresh grass clippings isn't an issue. They didn't even seem to notice it when they headed back in there to roost yesterday. Hadn't considered the moisture though. The clippings I used probably are on the damp side due to recent rain. It's early spring here now so the daytime temperatures aren't all that high, so now I'm worried that it won't dry quickly. I may go back to the rice husk idea. We have a half a bale of it in the calf shed so I could easily use it. I think it would be easier to sift out poop once it's dried.
Quote: The moisture and especially the mold growth from that moisture is a real concern.
I'd get them out of there if possible....or take a look and stir them up.

When I mow I plan my routes to spread the discharge out instead of it piling so it will dry.....
....also plan to mow the day before several warm/hot dry days....
...then after a couple few days to dry go back over with mower to pile clippings in 'windrows' then gather them with rake into cart.
Same way, kinda, you'd hay a field.....and I let my grass get pretty long/tall before 'mowing' and laughingly call it 'haying'.
I have a concrete floor and I really like the deep litter method. All of my knowledge on the subject comes from Harvey Ussery's book. It has been successful for me and with concrete you don't have to worry about ruining your floor.

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