Conflicting info on switching to grower feed


12 Years
Mar 26, 2007
In one of the books I have (Chickens in your Back Yard), the author says it's important to switch to the grower feed before they are twelve weeks in order for the chicks to develop their natural immunity. I've also read (on this board) that if you've been giving your chicks medicated feed, you should keep them on it until you switch to layer feed at 18-20 weeks, skipping the grower feed. SO, I know everyone has their own theories on this but I am looking to hear some personal experiences (when you switched, why, and also, HOW--mixing in a little at a time gradually? Or all at once?) so I can make up my mind.

We used Purina SunFresh Start and Grow. They were on it until we switched to layer feed. Personally I liked buying feed in larger quantities (better price) and didn't have to worry about when to switch from starter to grower feed. We had about a day's worth of Start and Grow left when we changed to layer and we mixed it with the 50# bag of layer feed.

Everybody raises their birds a little differently. The woman at our local feed mill feeds all her birds Purina Flock Raiser until they go to layer feed.

Personally, I think you should look at the feeds available in your area. Each will tell you on the back of the bag what they recommend for feeding and feed switch schedule.


if edited, probably for typos...
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THat sounds good-- next time I'm at the feed store I'll see what they have, and also get some info from one of their staff (who raises chickens as well). Thanks for responding!
Grower feed is not available in all areas and it is OK to keep them on starter until point of lay. There is not that much difference. The Purina Start and Grow solves the problem (if you have Purina in your area).

I personally like to keep the birds on medicated feed until I switch to layer pellets. Cocci hits more young birds and chicks than adults because they don't have an immunity built up. The medicated feed helps protect them until they get older. It is not guaranteed though. Some birds on medicated feed still get cocci.
I plan on going to the feed store tomorrow-- I buy my feed by the pound I'm not sure exactly what brand I'm getting. I'll check out the bags and see what's what.

Thanks, Allen!

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