Confused on how to get started with my current setup

When you say "main coop" do you mean the actual roosting area or just in the grass?

I know, I know, I'm cringing as I type since I'm so naive...
Coop usually refers to a closed in "Room" area with a roost bar for them to sleep.
My "coop" is not closed it....well there is hardwire on two sides and wood on two sides....It's too hot for me to lock them up in a completely closed in coop...even with the vents.

Think of a coop as a little house for them. the bar/wood that usually is mounted up high inside the coop for them to sleep.
Run...a secure area for them to roam around in the grass.

Make a little sense to you now?
Thanks KikisGirls...where would you recommend I sleep the chickens until it cools off? My setup has the closed in area like you say as well as grass below and off to the side.

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