Congratulations Blackberry


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 23, 2010
Well, I'm a proud papa again. Our first egg arrived today an noon. It was Blackberry's, our Black Jersey Giant, and the nicest of our 4 hens and 1 rooster (originally called Priscilla). (all born on May it's exactly 19 wks)
I've been putting wooden eggs into the nesting boxes every couple days so they can see where they belong and try pecking them and getting nothing but a sore beak. Well today Blackberry was sitting in there (very unusual for her) so I looked in. She was reluctant to get up but she's so nice she let me budge her and I saw the wooden egg under her. I thought she was just practicing. 15 mins later she was back in the run with the other girls and Priscilla. It seemed strange so I peaked again and low and behold a beautiful egg. I'm attaching pictures. One is store bought just today since we weren't getting any. One is the wooden one and one is the real thing...Blackberry's prize. (I gave her some grapes as a reward and she was quite pleased)
So here it is:


and here is proud Blackberry on the right about 2 weeks ago:
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Is it ok to eat it??? We're all a little skeptical :) but that is why we've spent over $1000 so far on their care.
That's Priscilla...(now Preston)...She/he's very nice BUT a mistake...a roo
Oh, yes, first eggs are scrumptious! (So are all the eggs that come afterwards, too... )

I'm such an egg lover that I waited until I got THREE eggs to make a BIG omelet. Well, they were sorta small eggs, so it wasn't all that big, but it was certainly more than the bite the solo first egg would have been.

Oh, and I always blow out the very first egg laid by each pullet, and I save 'em for posterity.
Had to have a chuckle at this one.. "any day now". I've been thinking that for 3 or 4 weeks now. Saturday will be 23 weeks for my 4 EE's and 2 BR's.

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