Considering guineas...Two questions


7 Years
May 24, 2012
I started w chickens this year and I'm loving them. I am considering getting some guineas next spring and I've seen some of the threads on here and they are great and have answered several of my questions....except two rather random ones. ..
1. I keep bees, and I know that one of the main benefits of guineas is their talents as bug eliminators.......will my two hives be safe or will the guineas see them as a walk up food window?
2. I have a small incubator and would like to hatch my keets myself. Where or what is a good source for fertilized guinea eggs (websites,catalogs, etc)

Thanks in advance for your input ....this site is great
Guineas have been known to snack away on bees, right at the hive, as the bees come and go... so it would be a good idea to fence the hive area off with at least 2"x4" welded wire to keep the Guineas at bay and the Honey flowing.

BYC's BST (buy~sell~trade) section usually has lots of fertile Guinea eggs for sale or auction... but Guineas are seasonal layers, so try looking for hatching eggs early next spring (otherwise adults and juvenile birds should be available now... and if there are none listed on the BYC BST section then you could try checking your local craigslist... or take a road trip to Cali and I will set you up, lol).
since we were given an incubator, we were thinking of getting eggs to hatch ourselves. the option of getting assorted, unknown colors/varieties of eggs from looks REALLY enticing...just waiting anxiously to see what comes out of the eggs and what they turn into would be awesome.
That would be! I personally think the most beautiful are the pearl grey-the others all look washed out to me. But everyone has their own preference. There is a very limited time in which you can buy eggs, and that may be closed or closing soon, so if you want them this fall, act now!

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