Constipated Keet.. please help


9 Years
Mar 5, 2011
Berthoud, CO
I posted another thread in the "emergencies" section but I thought I'd post here, too.

I put some olive oil on its cloaca and have tried feeding it yogurt and applesauce, but it's not interested in trying any new foods...

I'm terrified to try to squeeze the poo out but it may be my only option..

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Be very careful about squeezing, you can do more harm than good. Fluids are important- see if it will take sips of drops from your finger. Don't do this if it is very weak or tired. Lukewarm is best.

You could try acupressure to a spot between the cloaca and the tail. The pressure should be firm but not at all hard for the size of the baby. You could use something blunt/round but smaller than your finger like a rounded off pen cap, but again- Not too firm! You could do this twice a day, but don't overdo it if it fails to work.

Good luck.
Thank you very much, I am absolutely paranoid about hurting my babies, so I am being as careful as I can be. I will have to try the acupressure.
I've read that sometimes when people clean off poopy vents of babies with q-tips soaked in warm water will cause them to poop, but that might not help if it's too stopped up.
Uh oh, this isn't Booger is it??? Is it jst constipation, or was it pasty butt? Do you have them on shavings, if so the keet may have eaten them... and could be impacted, ugh.

A little molasses, mixed with olive oil (orally) may help get things moving... but you will have to give it a few drop at a time, several times a day with a syringe or eye dropper.
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Nope it's the Royal Purple. This little one was one of two that had pastey butt, and earlier my mom and I noticed that he/she was trying to poop but all that was happening was a bum bulge and some hard pushing and peeping, poor thing. I had a feeling it was the wood shavings, but it's the only one - so far - that I've ever had this happen to. The rest of them are pooping alright and eating/drinking/running around like normal, so I'm hoping this ordeal will be over soon. I don't have any molasses I don't think, and I'm going to be out of the house most of the day tomorrow so I'm hoping that everything's out of the way, so to speak, and I don't have to worry any more, but we'll see in the morning.. I've watched him/her take a nice drink. Just now he/she also squeezed out a bit of poo on his/her own. It seems like his/her vent is sore, poor sweet baby. I looked at him/her earlier and thought Pickles, so that's what I'm calling it.
I'd get the rest out of the shavings just to be safe. Hope everything works out (no pun intended - really). Poor little thing. Good luck!

Edit: I mean get them all out of the shavings.
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They are doing alright today so far. Little Pickles is eating very well, haven't been home long enough to see it drink yet, but I assume it's doing well. Everyone else is looking great also, running around like usual. :)

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