Contagious crowing?


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Apex, NC
Well, one of our 10 week old Araucana girls is crowing every morning, 6-7 times.
I know some hens crow (read that here).
I know spurs don't show up til 8-9 months (read that here).

Question 1: Suppose the one crowing IS a male, if others were male, would they want to start crowing at the same time (same age)?
Question 2: What is longest time we could keep our roo before he want to 'act like a roo'.

If we have to return anyone, we'd want to make a single trip.

**Still thinking naively that we have a crowing hen and they can all stay friends.

I've raised 2 roosters from day old chicks. They both started crowing on the same day at 15 1/2 weeks old. At about 17 weeks they started acting like roosters and trying to mount the hens and started getting a little aggressive with me. The aggressive thing I've pretty much solved with advice from BYC, but I'm consistant with them and still remind them who's boss.
Thanks. I wonder if 10 weeks is too young for a roo and maybe she is a she?

Do you think crowing starts earlier among different breeds?
Hi krjwaj, I'm in your neck of the woods

We're new with the chicks ourselves and we have an 8-9 week old we're starting to think is a roo. He hasn't crowed yet though. Though, we only have 2 hens for him if he is a he. We're going to keep him and get more hens. I have heard if there is no roo around eventually the hens can crow... and more then one if they need be! So we definitely rather have one roo and then many hens crowing all day.

You can return him if it turns out a Roo?! We got ours in Holly Springs and no one I've met would guarentee I wouldn't end up with a roo. I'm heading to a farm in Willow Springs to get 2 more hens today....and I REALLY hope these are both hens!

Good luck!
Hi krjwaj, I'm in your neck of the woods

You sure are!! Finally someone close by! I am always excited to find someone around here with chickens. I've yet to visit anothers coop yet, but I would love to.

We got our girls in Holly Springs, too. Correct about the guarantee, no such thing.​
We have 25 hens and one rooster, he didn't start crowing until he was around 16 weeks old, we were able to tell he was a rooster because his comb and hackles got red sooner than the hens, he been fairly good crowing maining at around 6 am a few times, he stays outside all night on top of the pen. Our other rooster just wouldn't stop crowing morning, afternoon and evening he went to the soup pot.
I'm guessing the Hatchery off of Sunset lake rd? We got our silkies there.

So what kind are your girls?

I've kinda REALLY gotten into the chicken thing! LOL
Yes, that's the hatchery.
We were told we were getting 4 Arauacunas and 1 buff Orpington. The buff is right on. One girl, Chocoalte, is right on as a Araucana (tufted but not rumpless). The other three are pretty but I haven't been able to classify them. I think maybe just EEs? One of them is white, the others are brownish/red. The white one is the smartest and friendliest.

The one who is crowing has smaller hackles than the other who is not. Otherwise they look almost identical...except one has a walnut comb (the crower) and one has pointy.

Our other rooster just wouldn't stop crowing morning, afternoon and evening he went to the soup pot.

Yikes! I am wondering what would become our our chicken is he is a roo and we do return him to the farm?? I hope not that!!​
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I like the silkies as they are rather quite, even when they are noisy. I couldn't imagine putting the roo in the soup pot, even if he gets loud. He's my most lap friendly cuddliest one. Then again, if he pecks or chases my daughter I may change my mind?!
I guess I got lucky. My roo is not loud. Except when he is trying to get the rabbit in the hen house. Still an issue. We think it's hilarious, but I am sure our neighbors disagree.

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