Ended Contest #6 Natural Egg Photo Contest - 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

One of my customers gave my eggs to a friend who is a professional photographer. Unbeknownst to me, she took this picture of my eggs and was gracious enough to give me a picture of them. I love this picture. These are my eggs but professional photographer took the picture. She has other pictures on her web site. Very good photographer. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ARFphotog..._campaign=us_location_buyer&utm_content=85386
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Haha! Thanks! I wish I had blown it out and kept the shell!
At least you got a picture! That's just as good. Was she an EE? Did you hatch it? That would have been a cool chick to raise up, maybe you could have a bunch of her daughters who laid those two toned eggs! I know I would have bought some from you.
At least you got a picture!  That's just as good.  Was she an EE?  Did you hatch it?  That would have been a cool chick to raise up, maybe you could have a bunch of her daughters who laid those two toned eggs!  I know I would have bought some from you.  

Yeah she's an EE. Haven't got anymore eggs like this from her. She laid this one when she was just getting going on laying. Didn't hatch it but I'm gathering eggs right now to hatch and some will be hers so who knows :)

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