Contest: Pick my avatar - JennPeeps, come and get your roo!

Sorry! Got tied up life stuff. I just had a big old laugh with the suggested avatars (Some of you BYCers just aren't right in the head LOL). Alright JennPeeps, GI Joe made the cut because it was just too funny and I spotted the bugger today when I pulled into my drive..sitting there on his haunches...munching feed from my chickens...staring at me with his shifty, beady little rodent eyes. I loved all the entries and I hope to see some other luck BYCer with a cool avatar from this post.

JennPeeps, you are now the proud owner of a dancing chicken (I know, I went to get a rubber chicken but then I saw him and well couldn't resist).
now you have to go to your first post and push edit and in your title say you have the winner!!!

Yay for jennspeeps... now she's got a cake topper for her wedding!
Time to rehome this prize roo, JennPeeps. He's been doing all the normal chicken stuff today but it's causing some problems. Here's what the rest of the flock has to say about him.

Come again?!? That's my post! What a poser.

Oh, great. ANOTHER one like we don't already have enough running around the yard. You look funny and that's where I wait for treats so strut off, mister.

And right before he got his tailfeathers waxed by the baby.

PM your address before he loses again and ends up missing some fluff.

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