Controlling Bees

Good question, I have bees chewing on the wood of the coop trying to make a hole. Don't know how to get rid of them.
They sound like carpenter bees. Non aggressive and rarely sting. They usually make holes in rotting wood. It's like an early detection system for your wood. They don't like painted surfaces either.
I just googled them. I don't want to kill them just wanted them to go somewhere else. I hadn't planned painting the rafters but I might have to. :)
You might try hanging a repellant from or on the rafters. I've got wasps, I would much rather have bumble bees.
Thanks for the suggestions, brand new coop and they are loving it. Guess they don't like the deck we painted last summer any more. Orpington do you think what you have are carpenters?
these things are nuts they fly all over the yard and they actually hit us and the chickens. and they do not move on, they were doing the same thing last year. it is awful. they literally bang at the windows.

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