Cool story about my chickens


Free Ranging
7 Years
Feb 16, 2017
Dietrich, Idaho

I have a funny and cool story. First you need to know that my mother when she was little was attacked by a rooster. She has been afraid of chicken since.

Today, I was at the store going shopping when I saw that the eggs were on sale. They were on sale for much cheaper than I ever saw them. I did calculations when I got home and I basically figured out that my hens with the cost of their feed give me one dozen eggs for about 1.40. Store bought eggs were cheaper. I then called my mother and said, “hey mom, store-bought eggs are cheaper. What do you want to do?” She then said over the phone, “Jared, you sold me. I know our girls. They are good hens, and the eggs are organic. I don’t want store-bought eggs.“

I introduced her to chickens when I first started raising them in March 2017, and now she conquered her fear.

She still doesn’t want rooster, but she thinks my hens are the sweetest.

She conquered her fear. I think it’s funny that she was afraid of chickens at first, and now she’s gotten over it when I, her youngest son got into it.


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