cooling off your chickens

Maybe get a few small bottles that you can set where you can reach.

For my little ones still in brooder (3week) I fill a small bowl (w lid) with ice and they lay around it too.
Well. My freezer sucks for one, no more room, it's filled up with watermelon rind, cubes, frozen cucs and corn. That area is pretty filled up already, their wster, the pan of water, the grit, the food, the frozen stuff. It is what it is. Hopefully my enclosure will ship sooner rather than later.
Always remember that chicken heat and cool with the day. If you give them something that lowers their body temp...then it shoots back up- it will cause problems. Give cool water, deep shade--as much as you can, you can water their feed, shallow pans with a bricks to walk across
to cool, and waterers deep enough they can get the wattles and combs wet--mine head for the dogs water bowls.. We do have a coop fan.
I haven't tried watermelon yet. But I have corn, and they look at it like it's monster. I also heard corn is not good when it's hot, that it increases their temp? Not sure, just saying what I read somewhere.

I think that was cracked corn??? I would think the fresh would be different. but the cracked corn is good when it is colder outside since it raises their body temp.

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