Coons and Chickens... Apparently can co-exist.


8 Years
Jun 26, 2011
I just wanted to share this story with you because I was blown away by what I saw. I went out to an old farm to purchase something off craigslist. I took my husband and 3 children along because the woman said she had chickens and ducks. So we pull up to this Antebellum style brick 2 story house that was just amazing. And we proceeded to put the thing I bought in the car and we got to talkin'. She had chickens and ducks and geese and guinees and turkeys... you name it, she had it. Somehow the topic of raccoons came up and she said, "Oh we have tons of raccoons around here but they don't bother the chickens." I was like, "You gotta be kidding me." She said, "No, we feed them Little Debbie snack cakes from the Wonder Bread store. They come up over the barn roof at night and we feed them. They should be out any minute actually." I thought this woman must be crazy. But I swear about 15 minutes later she says, "Oh, there's one!" I looked up and saw over the barn shed a little raccoon pop it's head up followed by another and another and another.... 4 raccoons in all. So picture it. .. Every kind of poultry imaginable, free ranging mind you, and a family of raccoons that apparently are vegetarians. It was the most amazing sight! She told me that they get about 40 every night and they live in the old brick house.

(To back up, during our conversation the people were telling us that they can't live in the house because when the tornado came through it blew the house somewhat off the foundation and although it's standing, it's beyond repair. It's such a shame too. So they dropped a mobile home in the back of it and live in that. They think the raccoons found their way into that house somehow.)

The man was telling us that one night they didn't get to the Wonder Bread store to get the day old cakes for them, and about 11pm they heard a weird scratching at the front door. When he opened the door there was a raccoon standing on the front porch with about 20 behind him in the yard. They were wanting their cakes! So luckily they had some little debbie treats that they had bought for themselves they gave them.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this story with you guys. I have never seen anything like it, and I don't think I ever will again. I felt like I was in a Mary Poppins movie! And these people were so awesome. We just talked and talked to these complete strangers for an hour or more. I love people like that. Here we are there to buy something off craigslist and when we leave it's like we've known them all our lives. In fact, as we're pulling out they say, "Ya'll come back now and see us again!"

One of those happy feel good moments, thought you all would enjoy!
Wow..that is great! What a nice story and I would have loved to see all those racoons sitting there waiting for their treats!! No wonder they leave the chickens alone...why would they want to bother with a stinky old bird when they get yummy little debbie snacks!
Now that is TRULY an amazing story.

But what happens when these freeloaders no longer get their Little Debbie fix?
You can bet that poultry will be on the menu.
Actually, the thing I went to go buy was one of those 1900's style old incubators that have the karoseen lamps for heat. I'm going to clean it up and post it to maybe get some information about it. It's pretty cool. It's from the Queen Incubating Company.
I have three big fat racoons that live in the ditch (those dark holes that go under the roads.. wow words have lost me :| ) and they only eat my pumpkins. No attempt to get in my chicken coop yet, though I lock them up pretty tightly (3 different key locks on nest box, pop door and front door.) No way of them getting in at all! The raccoons have so much to eat around here, that they leave my chickens alone

That's a wonderful story!
I have found a couple of people like that on Kijiji (other version of Craig's List)
These people were such animal lovers...She was telling me the reason they aquired so much poultry and such a wide variety, is because when people come in to the feed store to buy day old chicks and ducklings, the feed store tells them, if you want to get rid of them call us. We know a woman that will take them. So all those people that buy ducklings and chickens to put in Easter baskets end up dumping them off at her house. (Ya know, when they'll not "cute" anymore.)

She also had a couple roosters that were penned up. They were in "time out" because they have been extra mean lately. She was the cutest woman.
Great story. Animals are amzaing aren't they? I have friends that use to feed raccons dry dog food. They bought it especially for them. Every night they would be lined up on their path waiting for dinner. Thanks for sharing.

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