coop and run size?

Rebel Chicken

12 Years
May 9, 2007
southern Indiana
I currently have 6 chickens. 2 are still babies. A friend of my dad's that has chickens offered to help us build a chicken coop and run. I plan on getting more chickens next year. Possibly have a total of 12 chickens. How big should the coop and run be?
Are these Banties or full size? For full size chickens if you are wanting 12...the average is 4 sq ft per 48 sq ft for the coop. So, a 6 x 8 would work. You will need 1 nest box per 4 at least 3 nest boxes. The outside run..I am never sure on the sq ft. There seems to be many different answers on this....but I think it is 10 sq ft per bird outside.....if this is correct...10 x 12, or something similar. Good luck with building your new coop, and make sure to get pics as you go so you can submit it under coop and designs. Cant wait to see the updates!

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