Coop bedding??


8 Years
Jun 7, 2011
I am trying to get a good idea for the bedding in my coop. I am currently using pine shavings but I have hurd of using sand. What are your suggestions. Thanks
I used's awesome!!!! Gor a large kitty litter scooper and sccop the poop out!
I'm loving the sand! Easy to clean, no waste- poop can go straight to the compost or bucket of water for liquid fertilizer. No heavy shoveling of shavings and since I generally have more leaves than my compost bin can manage I don't add more dry matter to the compost frm the shavings. Also sand lasts longer.
I think it would be the size of the flock and coop that determines the choice. I have twenty and would constantly be scooping the sand. i use wood shavings and clean out trays, so that I can wait between cleanings. Good Luck
since I compost their poop for the garden I use straw, or plain shredded newspaper (No colored ink though) some people use shredded leaves but I have never tried it. If you use hay, straw or grass clippings the chickens will nibble on it which shouldn't hurt them but it means you'll have to add more sooner

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