? Coop bedding

Whenever we cut our grass, we store up the grass clippings in our pole barn to use in our small coops and nest boxes.
I use pine shavings in my large coop just because it's easier to rake and keep dry (using the dry deep litter method).
In all of my breeding pens and nest boxes I use the grass clippings since the chickens love it and it's FREE.
If they eat too many grass clippings they can get a crop impaction so I would not use it for bedding. I also don't think it would be terribly absorbent. I do give my girls a handful of grass clippings for all 4 girls as they enjoy it so much on very rainy days that they don't want to leave their covered run. For bedding, I use pine shavings in the hen-house and sand in their run and it works great.


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