Coop Build

I also use the pine pellets I get them at tractor supply 6.49 for the 50 pound bag I love them sucks up any wetness but for my ducks I needed the straw they have a little duck shelter between the 2 duck pools for when hawks come or when they wanna get out of sun instead of going in the duck house and anytime it rains I have to keep replacing the straw so they aren't laying on wet straw which they wont anyway I toss a bale of straw in chicken run when it rains or snows gives them something to do when they are stuck in the run keeps them busy scratching around I usually hide treats mealworms pellets inside the bale I use hemp bedding in the duck house and coop but try use straw in duck run and in winter for around the runs for warmth and block wind. I'm so sorry for your loss my husband seems to think we will be spending the summers in south Carolina or Maryland in few years when we get a bigger boat but if we keep collecting farm animals I'll have the perfect excuse for not going lol dont care to much for being on the boat past few years ...the animals are more my joy

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