Coop Contest Spring 2010 - Win $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate - WINNER

Please submit our coop for the contest! Thanks!

Our coop was built entirely of recycled lumber. We bought windows and shingles. It houses 35 hens and 4 roosters. The chickens go down the ramp through a door in the floor and then on out to the pastures. I LOVE THIS COOP!

It's a Coop contest right? Because my run isn't finished.

Here is my Coop Page

and for those who want a preview:

Here's my one-weekend DIY coop and run:

I used a Rubbermaid storage shed for the coop and cattle panels for the run. The only tools I used were a measuring tape, a Dremel tool, a screwdriver, a hand saw, and pig ring pliers. (Also, the nice feed store people let me use their bolt cutters to cut the cattle panels when I bought them.) The lumber mostly came from the scrap bin at Home Depot.

The finished product is working nicely. Our two hens moved in on Sunday and laid their first eggs on Wednesday!

I hope I got this in on time:


Took me a while because I am an older (40ish) female with very little building experience. I looked at many coops on this forum (BYC rocks!) to get ideas.

The coop has vents under the roof covered with hardware cloth. The windows are from an old camper, also covered with hardware cloth. The run is a dog kennel, with the bottom two feet covered with chicken wire, and the roof is covered with chicken wire under the tarp cover. Even though it's not in the photo, the run is surrounded by railroad ties over chicken wire now to keep critters from digging.
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