Coop Done chicks out What should I do before winter?


Aug 21, 2023
South NJ
We finally finished coop and the girls have been outside about a week now still learning the ropes of walking up and down chicken ramp … I have one girl seems to have issues with ramp? She is a silkie ( satin) and her friend is also a silkie but a Fluffy one ( no feathers) she does good with getting up ramp and outside but the Satin with feathers seems to be confused? Any tips on getting them all in at night and out in am?
My other question is with winter coming is there something special I should do with coop? We did insulate ours to help in winter and summer…
Have plenty of windows in coop should I plastic some to keep drafts out if there are any? Only leave one or two. Close windows on cold nights? Wrap run? I’m in NJ (south) so it’s usually mild like 35-45 in winters but they say we may have more snow this year?
We do have a roof on run and coop and it is all enclosed with 1/2 inch hard cloth. We also buried bout 18 inches out from coop and put bolt locks on everything and tried to predator safety best we can Photo of coop and run
Also we have 2 silkies/ 2 buffs/ 2 Red sex links/ 1 silver laced Wyandotte What type heaters do you all use for water? What is putting leaves in run do? I saw a lot of people saying they put the leaves in run? My chicks are about 11-12 weeks old now all feathered and pretty big but I’m worried they will be cold
Our temp is suppose to go to 33 in next couple nights ? Will they be warm enough in the coop and run during day it will be in 50’s so that’s ok


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I'd put a solid roof on the run.
Then you can secure clear plastic sheeting to the run walls leaving the top 6 or more inches open for ventilation.
Can you show pictures of the ventilation in the coop?
I'd put a solid roof on the run.
Then you can secure clear plastic sheeting to the run walls leaving the top 6 or more inches open for ventilation.
Can you show pictures of the ventilation in the coop?
There is a solid roof believe it or not we have corrugated plastic on the run so the girls can see out and we have metal on coop ! Our run roof is also slanted some in case of snow
There is a solid roof believe it or not we have corrugated plastic on the run so the girls can see out and we have metal on coop ! Our run roof is also slanted some in case of snow
Let me check pictures. All windows have the latch locks and hinged piece that goes up at different levels or all the way open hall etc. like in the one picture. The one side has 3 windows one long one and two smaller ones
The other side has 3 med windows. ( there is one being added on back side as well by spring if not sooner. We are 95% done Still have a window to add on back and a lil paint on trim on coop and side bars on the hard cloth on the run it’s screwed to wood but we are adding a decorative type trim in front still and we have solar lights for the run to hang


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I'd put a concrete block under the low end of the ramp to lessen the angle.
Too bad you blocked the spaces between the coop rafters, good place for ventilation.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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How much is the pitch? 3:12 should be the minimum for dealing with a snow load.
Not sure but front is 9 foot tall and the back of coop run goes down to bout 5.5 feet My husband can’t stand at very back with out bending some he is 6.2. And I can walk all over cause I’m 5.1
I'd put a concrete block under the low end of the ramp to lessen the angle.
Too bad you blocked the spaces between the coop rafters, good place for ventilation.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
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Thanks. I didn’t fill it out I didn’t even know it was there 😂. I’m in South NJ by the shore so we don’t get much snow generally but once in awhile a surprise nor’easter gives us a foot 😂🙄We do have a block we will add another think it will make my one silkie happy!

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