Coop exhaust fan help?

Evelyn's Mom

Jun 19, 2018
a windy hill in southwestern Indiana...
My coop is HOT and with almost daily storms I can't leave it all wide open all day and night. I'm working on making "awnings" over the windows to keep out rain but let in the question is about coop exhaust fans. I found a great one by J&D Mfg, for about $150 ( to my door) but if I do that, what side of the coop is best? South where the wind usually comes from to pull in North side air? North side to keep air flowing through? Help?!

My run is covered by shade cloth so they're only in there for the night or during rain, or sometimes when the sun is just ridiculous...
bathroom exhaust fans works great as long as you get one with a good air movement ratio and the nice part it has a vent that closes when not in use
this is the exact fan I used in the coop the one pictured is for a remodeled bath


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We just added an exhaust fan to our coop yesterday. The vents and large window just weren't enough this year. I would personally recommend that you have draw out on the southside, letting the cooler air from the north side be pulled thru. This will also help to keep rain from blowing into the vent.
We are in the north and this high 90's is just not anywhere near normal for us and our poor birds are struggling to stay cool. We are in the northwoods and have far too many predators to be able to leave our coop open at night. Our coop is not near capacity thankfully so they have lots of room to spread out which is a help but they are just not acclimated to any temps above the upper 70's daytime and right now we are not getting out of the 70's at night. Poor chooks.
South works great! My exhaust fan is on the east. It makes a big difference. Every once in a while you have to clean it. It’s a dust collector. I put a cheaper fan in so when it breaks I’ll just replace it with my house fan and get a new fan for the house( if that makes sense) good luck!
Just know that the dander from
Chickens will bung up the electric housing of a bathroom fan . We bought an agricultural fan with enclosed housing, best purchase we’ve made. Used it in the barn , coop and we blow out the blades and it keeps on going .

Just be careful you could start a fire or just burn out a house fan
My exhaust fan is on the east. It makes a big difference. Every once in a while you have to clean it. It’s a dust collector.
And that can be a fire hazard.
It's best to put the fan on the shadiest side of coop(usually the east side) and blow air into the coop. That will bring cooler air in to push the hotter air(and dust) out the windows and vents and fan will stay much cleaner.

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