Coop finally done- Check out my pics. Girls seem to like it!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
Finally done- here are a few pics from construction phases till completion. This is my first coop so I still have a bit to learn. HD video to follow shortly. Thanks for looking!

That is a beautiful coop! What are the dimensions? It looks perfect for a backyard coop. Congratulations on you first build!
The dimensions are 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 ft tall. The peak of the roof is 6ft,6inches. The actual coop/hen house is about 4ft by 5ft.
Nice size for a backyard coop. You should draw up plans and post on the coop page. I also like the hardware cloth under the roof we did the same thing I feel very secure and lots of ventilation.
We live in the middle of the woods and so far no predators. We have a 24 in skirt around the perimeter also. Again nice job!
I'm sold on the idea of a hardware cloth roof with the roofing over top. Excellent ventilation idea. Plus, I need to make one that I can move if ever need be and I'm a small woman. Anything that helps lighten the load is going on my list to add to my new coop.
How many ladies are living in your coop? It looks like a very nice and cozy one. Also, any idea what the final cost was?

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