Coop finished, new problem

So I have completed my coop other than putting sand in run. I now have a new problem. The chickens (6) have been free ranging this whole time, got them in February, and they stayed in Brooder until fully feathered. They were hopping up into their brooder to roost while free ranging at night and now that I have their coop finished putting them in there seems a little cruel. But I want them in there at night.
I pulled them off the roost in the brooder night before and put them on roost in hen house they did good and then let them out to free range the next day yesterday. Well last night I left door open for them to get back in and closed up their brooder. They just flew on top of the brooder to roost, so I picked them off the roost and put them in the hen house to roost and this morning I did not let them out just left pop door open so they could go in their run. Question is should I just leave them in there for awhile? Just seems cruel like I say going from free range to such small spaces even though cool is 7 x 14. Any suggestions would be great and I will post pics of final coop today sometime! Thanks!!!!
I would keep them in the run for several days so they have no choice but to roost in their coop. Then I would let them out bit by bit, starting with letting them out a half hour before roost time. Each day I would let them out earlier and earlier, and after a few days they should be good to go out all day and roost in their coop at night.
I would keep them in the coop/run for at least a week so they figure out that is now "home". Give them access to the run as long as they are going in the coop at night to roost/sleep.

@ToniTalley gave good advice for eventually letting them out just before dusk and make sure they go back in the coop and then release them earlier and earlier until you're sure they have their bearings and know where they are supposed to roost at night.
So I built a coop out of pallets and a run out of recycled wood that wasn't in the best of shape to begin with, but we had about 20 or so birds (mostly chickens) at the time, they free ranged during the day and went in the run and coop at night. Eventually we out grew the setup and the used woos for the run framing was falling apart. Rather than trying to repair and expand on what was a less than ideal coop to begin with, we decided to convert an old unused pig shed into into a chicken coop and build a new proper run. As it turned out this has proven to be a REALLY good coop and run. But I had the same issue. All the birds wanted to return to the old coop, because that was what they were use to, and it's not like I can tell them I build them a new better home.

The key for me was this. Put there food and water in the new coop. Put them in the coop. After you let them out for the day give them a reason to go back in like throwing scratch out in the new enclosure. It'll take a couple days of training and there will be stragglers that you'll have to move manually but with in a week they be going in their new space on their own.
Here is final coop build except sand in run


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