Coop flooded, help! Chicken ark?

Just get a piece of plywood and prop IT up on cinderblocks, put the coop on that, there ya go.

Alternatively you could get some cheap lumber, whatever you can find, and some chickenwire (even nylon garden netting if this would be in a TOTALLY predatorproof place like a locked garage), and quick knock together a framed enclosure to keep them indoors for the time being. It does not have to be a marvel of carpentry to keep them indoors, it just has to not fall apart of its own volition

Good luck, hope your weather changes soon,

Oh we too are having rain

we have more then our share since 09,
I have my silkies in a dog pen on plywood but the rain came in even
with the netting and Tarps on top and the sides half way down.
so I will have to do something to add to the floor to raise them from the wet
shavings. I also have a smaller wood coop in side in one corner
but they never go into it.humm

Checked them this morning,and they are up a roost that 4 inches
off the floor.
I have been walking in 2inches of mud for the past week.
our back forty is a pond.
Its STILL Raining!!!!!!!! Uggh! Oh my goodness those chicks stink to high heaven! I walked in my bathroom this morning and gagged!
Its off to the hardware store this morning, they can not stay indoors! My sewing room for my business is in my garage and they will stink that up I am afraid.

Can you run to the grocery store and "borrow" a few of the bread-pan shelves that they leave out back? They are brown and plastic---so you can use them as the bottom/floor and raise up your coop on cinderblocks. You can also use them to block the wind on the sides.
Sorry Just Noticed that your in Arizona! But shop around something like this is IDEAL! Hope this helps;) Keri
Just had a thought...for a quick fix! Target...a huge rubbermaid storage tub(they make em BIG) like $10? Hut a hole in the side of it and throw some hay or shavings in it! Then just put it on some kind of base that would raise it up off the ground? Ok...still thinkin!
I feel your pain. Yesterday about three, I panicked and I started sectioning off part of the kitchen and putting down some plastic sheeting. I love my babies. Then the rain stopped and the girls left the coop and started acting like maniacs. When I went out, I found Sheba, my bad-girl, in the veggie garden section of the yard. Yikes! How in the heck did she get in there? One of the mysteries of life.

Well at least she was not near the veggies or I guess my cabbages, and broccoli bush would have been toast. I pick up her fluffy butt, and popped her back over the fence.

Then, I let the thought wash over me of what it would be like to have four very large, wet, and muddy-footed chickens into the kitchen . I took up the plastic sheeting. It seems that the rain has stopped and the coop/ pen still looked dry.

Today I am up to my ankles in mud and I have muck boots on. It is very cold out but the girls do not seem to mind that. I have gone to the window many times when it has started raining hard and I have waved frantically to them to get into the coop. Sometimes they pay attention to me, and sometimes they don’t.

They are still laying eggs and Binkie is still announcing to the world, that someone in the bunch has just laid an egg. This means because it is still raining…..I have put on my industrial strength yellow hazard raincoat, my very tall muck boots, my big cowboy hat with the Target grocery bag over it, and run out side and quite her. I feel like I am rehearsing as a quick-change artist for a magic show.
What’s a Mom to do?
Ok I jimmy rigged to coop, I hope it lasts until it drys out. I tarped the whole thing. lifted it off the gound on top of a sheet of pywood and I put an old nesting box filled with shavings in the bottom for an extra dry spot. I hope it helps. Its just going to have to make do until it drys out and then I can do repairs. Thanks for the ideas you all!!

We won't even talk about how long it took me to clean my tub!

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