Coop flooring question


Jun 15, 2016
Carthage Indiana
We got a "free" coop. We started repairing pieces. Tore it apart. Now rebuilding with mixture of fresh lumber and the existing good lumber.

Question #1: Can we use OSB for the floor if we are going to lay down linoleum it will be screwed down and able to be replaced easily if we need to. The positive is that I already have a free sheet of OSB.

Question #2: for those of you that have used linoleum, is the cheap $.50/sf stuff sufficient or will the bird shred it? We don't plan on having super deep litter. We haven't even decided on bedding material yet.
I used cheap linoleum, glued it down with gorilla glue. Because we put a nice layer of hay, straw or pine shavings in the coop, I'm not sure they even ever see the linoleum. So, to answer your question, no they don't peck at it or eat it.
Looks like a 4'x 8' coop... I'd drop the nest box down so they won't want to roost (poop) in it. Fasten some U shaped pieces of plywood to the wall and put your roost(s) in there so you can remove them for cleaning. I'd skip the linoleum and just put 3-4" of pine chips on the floor.

While your putting it back together extend the roof out a foot or more out the front and back and remove the siding and cover with hardware cloth for better ventilation.

It is about 4x8. I dropped the nesting boxes a couple inches to about 20" off the ground. I'm gonna put the roosting bars towards the back and up high. I am going to out a shelf in underneath it with a plastic tray that can be easily removed and dumped.

The siding has all been scrapped. It will be replaced with t1-11 plywood siding . The roof will be a traditional roof and will extend about a foot off the back and about 1-2 feet over the front.

As far as ventilation, the whole top will be open and covered in hardware cloth. I may put in a vent down low for air input and circulation.
Looks like a 4'x 8' coop... I'd drop the nest box down so they won't want to roost (poop) in it. Fasten some U shaped pieces of plywood to the wall and put your roost(s) in there so you can remove them for cleaning. I'd skip the linoleum and just put 3-4" of pine chips on the floor.

While your putting it back together extend the roof out a foot or more out the front and back and remove the siding and cover with hardware cloth for better ventilation.

Sounds like you have a good plan in the works, your chickens will thank you with lots of eggs.

I don't see the point in a low vent for winter as moist air rises on it's own because it's lighter than dry air (tis why we have clouds up high).


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