Coop heat question

I live in michigan I dont use anything but a light bulb. I have heard if you use heat and then happen to loose power you have a chance that your birds can freeze to death. Chicken generate that own heat and do rather well on there own as long as your coop is wind proof.

I just make sure they have enough straw to play with and on nice days shovel my run area so that they get exersice since they dont like to run in the snow.
UP - Not really sure, yet, but want to be ready just in case.

Last year we had 1 instance of 18" of snow, and another with 12". We had some pretty cold days last year and lots of ice. For sure at least 1 month below freezing temps here.
You don't really need a heat lamp here in W. Washington. The danger with a heat lamp (besides coop fires!) is that they will not acclimate--that is develop the nice fluffy down coat that they need for cold winter weather. Then they will be more uncomfortable outside and when (not if here!) the power fails. During the really cold spell we had last winter I wrapped the coop with insulation, but I really don't think it was necessary, they did just fine! Insulating and providing good ventilation are the best things you can do for winter.

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