Coop help please!!!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 17, 2014
Mims, Florida
I have decided that I am going to build a separate coop specifically for growing my meat chickens out. Are there any special requirements I should keep in mind other then the basics? Do I need to build nest boxes if I am not keeping them long enough to start laying? Suggestions and pics would be a great help.
If you are talking about the Cornish Cross, Cornish X, broilers, or whatever you call the hybrid meaties, you do not need nests boxes or roosts. They are going to poop a lot so a slightly raised area to get them up out of the worst of the poop wouldn't be bad. I'm talking about maybe a 2x4 just up a few inches, something like that. You don't want anything high because they are prone to leg problems anyway. They grow so fast their skeletons can't keep up.

If you are growing out dual purpose cockerels still no nest boxes but low roosts might be OK. No need to go overboard though.
Mine are dual purpose ( orpingtons and jersey giants). The main reason is to keep them separated from my laying flock since they are temporary and fed differently.
What age will you butcher them if there are pullets in with them? If you have pullets that may start to lay before you butcher, a few nest boxes might be a good idea. Otherwise, no need for nests. I would provide some roosts either way, but pretty much a bare coop otherwise. Keep it simple and low cost.

I use my grow-out coop for different reasons but one of them is what you describe. I have a coop, small run, food, water, and a roost. Nothing more.

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