Coop in the Swamp.

I think the coop looks pretty cool. Forgive me if I'm being naive, because I imagine living in a swamp might not be the easiest thing to do, but the woods around your coop and land look gorgeous. Very lush and mysterious looking.
I think the coop looks pretty cool. Forgive me if I'm being naive, because I imagine living in a swamp might not be the easiest thing to do, but the woods around your coop and land look gorgeous. Very lush and mysterious looking.
You are correct on that roxbird. Everything is wet and humid all of the time so it is difficult. We are lucky regarding our vegetation however. Lots of palms, ferns, flowers and i have huge oak trees with moss all over my property.

The girls are doing great with their new digs. No problems navigating the ramp at all and they put themselves up at night without issues and it has only been a week of them using the run. They dont even use the ramp to get out. They just fly out in a semi orderly fashion. I also added a large driftwood tree section that they seem to love. I caught 6 on it at once just hanging out. The sitting area is finally cleaned up and I cleared out all of the debris that was at the end of the coop. I added some chairs and all of my orchids under the tree line. It gives me an opportunity to use more of my yard and have a new destination spot. I get to watch the chickens, relax and look at my orchids all at the same time. This wasnt something i originally planned by the space was perfect for if and i had to take advantage. we have been in the house just over a year and we are finally beginning to enjoy the full 1.5 acres.

Good job! Must put a lot of work in. Your set up look comfortable, and your girls are lucky. They look happy. I am still trying to work on my coop/run because we have spotted racoons three different times in the past two weeks. I have been feeling so scared and overwhelmed because I know I have to do the apron and some small holes in the bottom of the run so nothing can get in. My tenant told me that she saw them went up and over the coop/run so now I have decided that I should put a box in there to make the coop instead of just doing the run and coop as one big area. With the coop inside the run would make it another layer of protection. Oh, have been feeling so ovaerwhelmed about all this. I have already lost Roc at 3 weeks old to a hawk and 2 bantam chicks to a squirrel. I don't want anymore of my girls to be eaten by predators! I am thinking of putting electric wire around the run, but I have to read more to see what and how should I do this.

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