Coop introduction in wet weather


Mar 18, 2016
Greenville County, SC
My Coop
My Coop
We had our 6 RIR chicks in our garage until 7 1.2 weeks. They are full feathered and the brooder was way too small. We moved them into the run/coop and have been making sure they get back into the coop at night. The day after we moved them in it went from 80* and sunny to 54* and rainy and will be that way for a couple days. My wife is worried they are getting sick from exposure. We have checked and the coop itself is staying dry even in the heavy rain. Should that weather be bad enough to cause concerns for 8 week old chicks, or is there something about the transition we should watch for?
How are they acting? If it's normal behavior I wouldn't worry. If they are lethargic and shivering than perhaps they need some help. Odds are they are fine and are piling to keep warm when necessary.
A lot of people move their chicks out at 4 weeks as will I next week, rain or no. Surely yours are fine. They probably appreciate the larger space!
One was a little lethargic the first night, but that was when we went out after sunset and put her in the coop since she was trying to sleep on the ground. The do love the more space, but going from 15 sq ft and very dry to 90 with actual weather and complete dark would be a change for me too!

My wife thought one coughed, but since they are just transitioning from chirping to bawcking I'm not sure how significant that is. If one does actually start coughing/wheezing/sneezing what should I give them? Our year and a half old Wyandottes have never had issues.
You can't buy antibiotics over the counter anymore, so if you needed to treat for anything you need to see a vet now unfortunately. I think they will be fine. Chickens don't actually cough, they do sneeze. I would only be concerned if I heard wheezing or rattling.
If you do hear wheezing immediately remove that chick from the group.

But I would not expect any problems if the chick have a dry spot. Even if they go out and get wet, it should not hurt them, they should go in to the coop and dry off quickly and warm right back up.

I had my chicks outside be 3 weeks, and they did fine in typical spring weather, warm to cold and damp to warm to windy to still.

Mrs K
Got to check on them myself this AM, and its not wheezing, they all seem to be breathing pretty normally. I think a couple are starting their voice change... not something I ever considered with chickens before! They were just vocalizing while negotiating roosting rights, even tho they haven't figured out the roosting beams I put in just yet. I think they will be just fine if they don't keep trying to jump through the wood panels to get in the coop :p

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