Guide Coop pages and member pages tutorial and feedback

I converted an old doghouse (3x4) that I got for free into a small coop. First I put it on "stilts" then built a run (7x8) around it. I only used 1x3 strapping for the run but I will be locking the birds up every night. This was a budget project for sure and only cost about $50... I plan to winterize their house a bit before this fall and I need to build a couple nest boxes at the back for them. I need 2 more latches, one for the door when you go into the run so they don't escape and one for the roof as it opens up for easy cleaning. We have 4 girls that are just 4.5 months old and I was told they are barred rock cross with RIR or New hampshires. I honestly don't know but I hope they start laying by the end of the month...looking forward to fresh eggs again!











We have two chicken coops. Both have large runs and hen house. I put together a video that I uploaded to Youtube showing the two coops, feeding in the morning, automatic pop doors, broody hens, auto water founts, and just a typical day in our back acreage.
We have two chicken coops. Both have large runs and hen house. I put together a video that I uploaded to Youtube showing the two coops, feeding in the morning, automatic pop doors, broody hens, auto water founts, and just a typical day in our back acreage.

cool video.

i love the coop cam!
Why don't I have Add a Member page or Add a Coop button?
You may just be looking at the wrong place for them. Go up to the "Learning Center" tab. Click to open. Look across the top. See the tab for "Member Pages"? Click on that. Toward the top on the left hand side you'll see information on how to set up a member page.

It's the same for adding a coop. Look for the "Coop" tab at the top of the home page. Click there. You'll see the same basic set-up. There are two places you can click to add your coop design. Hope this helps!!

I am so proud of the coop my hubby built, our chickens love it. In response to forecast record heat this year, 117 on Saturday. He just put a small air conditioner in it. Spoiled chickens.

I am so proud of the coop my hubby built, our chickens love it. In response to forecast record heat this year, 117 on Saturday. He just put a small air conditioner in it. Spoiled chickens.

PERFECTION! Good job, I love it!

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