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So I'm going to jump on here and ask the age old question: does my coop have enough ventilation? I know there's a proper thread for that question but I couldn't figure out how to upload pictures there. We built this coop and run in about 6 weekends with completely reclaimed materials. Minus the sheet of plywood on top. We bought that with a heat barrier to try and keep the heat out in the summer. It has the pop door on the front that we will leave open when they start going in and staying in on their own. On the side facing the run there are slots where we left it open behind the fence bar, not sure if you can tell from the pictures. At the moment we have ten girls in there but two are going to my mom's when they get big enough to join her flock.
Hello Khonch,
I really like your set up. I have a question. What is the solar light for in the one picture. Is that to keep the predators away? With the fence around it, it looks like it would keep a lot of varmits out!
Why can I not find the "add chicken coop designs" tab? I am new to this site and trying to figure it out.
you need to have 20 posts to add one, keep going!!

So I'm going to jump on here and ask the age old question: does my coop have enough ventilation? I know there's a proper thread for that question but I couldn't figure out how to upload pictures there. We built this coop and run in about 6 weekends with completely reclaimed materials. Minus the sheet of plywood on top. We bought that with a heat barrier to try and keep the heat out in the summer. It has the pop door on the front that we will leave open when they start going in and staying in on their own. On the side facing the run there are slots where we left it open behind the fence bar, not sure if you can tell from the pictures. At the moment we have ten girls in there but two are going to my mom's when they get big enough to join her flock.
i would want more on the coop than just those two window-like openings above the human door (i saw that there was a matching one on the other side
the more ventilation the better

Hello Khonch,
I really like your set up. I have a question. What is the solar light for in the one picture. Is that to keep the predators away? With the fence around it, it looks like it would keep a lot of varmits out!
Kind on BUT keep in mind a weasel (or weasel-cousins) can fit anywhere a quarter can
i would use 1/2" hardware cloth on any window/vents where they roost
We dont really have any varmints where we are. The only thing I've seen is a possum and that was a few years ago. We do have hawks for sure but the entire top of the pen is covered in hog wire and its very securely tied on there. We do have some field mice but the cat takes care of them.

The solar lights are there to give kind of a deterrent AND for me to be abke to look outside and see the coop at night. When i walk out there I've got motion lights set up so i can see if i need to go out there. We also use one of them inside the coop for a nightlight because Im a ridiculous chicken mom :)


Not quite finished yet but getting there! 9x5x8 ft tall
I'm brand new to this community.
I'd like to share some pictures of my new birds and the coop I recently built.
It says that I don't have the proper permissions. Do I have to wait a while before posting?

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