Coop Pics


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 6, 2007
Southwest Michigan
Here are a couple of pic's of my new coop and the babies when they were a few days old. Going to move them this weekend weather permitting and will send pic of the now 6 week old chicks when they are in there new home. I've never sent pic's before so here goes.


Note from can't put your pic in the subject line, so I moved it into the body of the message. I also moved this to the Coops forum where it is better suited.
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Don't you love that feeling of being all ready and then letting them go in for the first time?
It looks great, EggMan! I want to see pics when they are inside. Nice job!
Thanks everyone, I just got them moved and am letting them settle in before taking more pic's. The move went just fine thanks to a lot of handling since they were chicks. They all went to a corner and settled in for a nap. I built the coop in a corner of my pole barn so it should stay pretty cozy in these Michigan winters.

Thanks to Terrilacy for getting the pic in the right place. Hopefully the next one's will be easier. Eggman
Wow that is very nice. I am sure they will be very happy. Does it have any window, or an attached run? I built a coop in my barn as well, but it is not near that nice. I let mine free range in the afternoon. Then they go back to the barn to bed. and I lock them up tight.
Can you email me a closeup of the feed troughs? Where did you get them?

I'm having a rough time with my feed and water troughs for my hens. In the tractor, they scratch the leaves and grass and dirt into their water and feed. I have the water at 8" off the ground right now; any higher and I don't think they'll be able to reach it. I guess I shouldn't worry if they scratch stuff into their feed; they can scratch it back out.

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