Coop plans... HELP!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 27, 2011
I need some coop plans... I have some chickies that really need to be out of the brooder right now, and I need the brooder for my other little guys that just came in... But, I just discovered my old coop did not survive the spring thaw... it is all moldy and run down. I was thinking about using some plywood I have laying around for a coop, and lucky for me, last year we bought a 12by 12 foot 6 foot tall chain link kennel for the dog. After spending 450 bucks on it we discovered that chan link is not as sturdy as we thought, and that our dog is an escape artist. Would it be a good idea to move the kennel off of the concrete and onto the lawn for a chicken run and attach a coop to it? has anyone on here done this before? Thanks!


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