Coop roof redo


12 Years
Aug 19, 2010
Vancouver, WA
My coop of three years is having serious issues. The roof, made of chipboard and covered with shingles started leaking a last spring. I repaired it during our dry spell and everything seemed OK. But after our recent snowstorm and fast snow melt, the thing is leaking with a vengeance. So far, the ladies and the nesting box are dry, but needless to say, a re roof is in order.

I was thinking of installing metal roof over the shingles using wafer panels like these:

or these ones:

What do you folks think of these material. Is there any other material that would work better than my shingles/this combo? The present roof is five feet by four feet with a single slope.
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Either of those will work .
The green one is a little better product.

I'd put down a layer or two of tarpaper over the shingles, then run 1 X 4's across the roof and around the edges to attach the metal to
Would it be better if I removed the roof, took of the paneling underneath and laid 1x4 ceder planks. Put two layers of tar paper and then covered everything over with the metal roofing?
Would it be better if I removed the roof, took of the paneling underneath and laid 1x4 ceder planks. Put two layers of tar paper and then covered everything over with the metal roofing?

If it was my roof I would remove the old shingles and particle board and would not use any tar paper.
I wouldn't take off any shingles or anything either, might add a layer of tarpaper, and just attach the metal roofing directly to what you've got. (NOTE: that's as long as the chipboard or OSB that's there now isn't spongy and falling apart... if it is, pull it off and replace it with OSB.) You'll find that corrugated metal is super-easy to work with, just be sure you use the special screws with neoprene washers (they'll be right there with the roofing). Easy to put up and no leak issues, cut it with tin snips.

EDITED to add that you don't want to pull the same stunt I did, which was trying to finish installing the metal roof during a light rain. I fell off the ladder and broke a bone in my foot. I did manage to eventually hobble up & down the ladder enough to get the place weather-tight, but it was not fun and put a screeching halt to alot of other work I wanted to get done.
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Agreed, there is not necessary to remove the original shingles.
Simply put the new roofing overtop. Small roof, shouldn't take long.

But my own first thought would be to figure out what went wrong
with the orginal shingles. Mainly so if there was a mistake made,
you would see it and not make the same mistake nest time.

Tarpaper? Maybe if I had it handy. But no real need. Unless the metal
roof leaks...which is back to the original problem.

Would I remove the orignal roof and go with new metal only? Probably
not, as the original wood roof would keep the coop cooler than a
new metal roof.

Adding 1x4 planks to the roof? Again, probably not. Unless I was trying
to create a dead-air space to help reduce the summer heat.

Quote: The purpose of the 1 X 4's is to give the proper spacing and DIRECTION for something solid to attach the metal roofing.
They need to run perpendicular to the rafters.

Otherwise , you could end up with the edge of a sheet of metal falling between rafters, with nothing solid to attach it to

The OSB alone isnt strong enough to hold, especially now that it's been exposed to water before

If you don't put 1 x 4's, there's no guarantee the metal will line up properly to screw into the solid rafters, and most likely the screws will strip out.
Adding them will make it a much stronger system at little extra cost

Putting tar paper over the shingles will prevent any condensation from soaking in
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Now that I did not know. Spook isn't a roofer.

I would not think OBS to be my first choice of a roof, but no ideal
that it would not work with metal.

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