Coop + Run Size Feedback


In the Brooder
Jul 13, 2015

I've been working on my plans and I wanted to submit them for some feedback. Context: eastern canada near the coast.

Part 1: Coop. Old shed, 8 x 12 feet. It's up on blocks. I'd leave it up, and fill underneath with hay in winter for insulation. It is lightly ventilated but I'll improve it. I also plan to wiring in for a light and heat lamp, it'll be near the garage I'm building before winter.

Part 2: Sheltered enclosure: Old dog run. 13' x 7.5' x 6 H. I've tied a ceiling into it by running a grid of high test fishing line and marking it up with flag tape. I'll connect it to the shed with a door, then set a lean to roof over it. Set up in here with a bunch of branches and small trees for them to climb around. This will be good for winter, and times it's not safe to have them out.

Part 3: Unsheltered enclosure: Much, much larger space. <500 sq ft. 4' fences, varied ground from sandy to deep grass. This is their run for as much of the time as possible. When I'm home and my dogs are around, they'll be in here. There will be times though, if either snow gets heavy or I go away for a while, that they could be staying in their smaller enclosure for a while. I'd let them free roam but I don't 100% trust my dogs with them.

My big question has been if adding the unsheltered enclosure is enough to let me expand beyond what my closed one could properly fit, or if they times they won't be able to use it writes that off. If that's the case I might not build it and instead use mobile smaller enclosures. I've got 14 baby hens that I'm raising now, but I'd like to run this setup at ideal capacity.

I'm not looking to overcrowd the chickens or not raise them well, but I'm trying to get an idea of how many top quality egg hens I can stably roost.

Thanks for any feedback
Your stocking capacity is governed by the smallest enclosure. The coop is the right size for 20-24 hens, the run for about 10 and the other too many to count. With the oversized coop, you should be fine with the 14. They will spend a lot of time inside in your winter so you can't count on using the large outside area. Go through a winter and see how it works before adding.
Sounds fair. I didn't think I'd get any more chicks this fall anyway. Maybe I'll expand the enclosed run in the spring to allow for expanding my flock though!

And their bigger run will keep them healthy + happy!
I just used a bunch of pallets to build a rigid wall 10 x 10 run I can do a sloped tarp roof on for winter :)

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