Coop size? How many Hens?

If you live somewhere like Maui where there will really not be any days that the hens may rather stay indoors, all you technically really need is enough space for the required length of roost.

Anywhere else, the fewer chickens per a given area, the better. I would sure not suggest going below 2 sq ft per chicken indoors plus ample run, but closer to 4 sq ft (per) is a bit safer, and more is better yet.

Honestly, having DONE keeping them at 4 sq ft apiece plus ample run and at 15 sq ft apiece plus ample run, they behave so differently with the greater amount of space per chicken that I will never keep them at the higher stocking densities that most BYCers use. But, it depends on your situation and on your tastes/priorities (and on whether you're okay with just seeing how it goes at a higher stocking density and reducing flcok size if you don't like what happens).

So, to me, the best answer from the chickens' standpoint would be "as few chickens as you can bring yourself to settle for". Seriously. (Also makes sanitation etc much easier, and less feed bill!)

Good luck, have fun,


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