Coop size & question about add-on coop


11 Years
Sep 16, 2008
ETA: How much space does 1 bird require in a coop?

I have a 4x4 coop already built, It has 2 roost bars and a large nesting box (was supposed to be 2 but i messed up and didn't wanna re-do). I do plan on adding 2 more boxes on the outside of the house. I plan on putting it on stilts in the new run, for extra room. I don't wanna ruin it's cute-ness by building onto it so I have decided to make a new one, like it, to go in with it..

I just don't know how much more coop space i'll actually need. I am planning on keeping the following birds:

1 Cochin Roo
2 Cochin Hens
1 RSL hen
1 EE hen
2 WLH hens
1 BA hen

These are my most steadily laying girls, my 2 sitters and my favorite roo.
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They each need 4 Square feet, so you'll need at least another 4 X 4.

But why not make it bigger so you can have more?
Yup, you need much bigger than 4x4 for that # of birds, plus chances are you'll want even *more* in the future anyhow.

I'd suggest building a whole new BIGGER coop, like really comfortably bigger (8 birds would need at least 4x8 under most circumstances, double it to 8x8 and you'll have something really useful in the future too:)) and you can save your existing 4x4 coop for quarantine, sick birds, or older chicks not yet ready for the rest of the flock.

Good luck, have fun,

Do you guys think a 4x4 coop would be good for a few silkies? like maybe 5 at the most? I really miss my fluffy girls and am dying to get some new ones
My chickens only go into the coup to sleep at night after the sun goes down and basically spend no other time in there.

Does 4sqft per chicken assume that they'll spend all of their time in the coup, or is a higher density OK if they're basically not living in there? Currently there are 10 chickens and 6 turkeys in an 8x8 house. The turkeys only get locked up because they are too small to fight off the cats that come around at night.
Sounds like you've got plenty of room for what you've got rc.

Glad to see a fellow Phoenician here.... what part of the valley? I'm in East Phoenix.
No, it assumes they will go out during the day, but may have occasions when they don't want to go out for part of the day. In AZ with adequate shade, that may not pertain as much to you

Anyhow, if something is working for you already, then there ya go

Good luck, have fun,


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