Coop Size


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 17, 2012
Would like to get a flock of Guineas shortly but am unsure as to what they need from a coop/roost perspective.

I would like to start off with about 18-24 birds, free roaming on our 25 acres.

Given the local predator pressure, I would try to get them into a shelter at dusk and know that they would also need to spend their first several weeks in the shelter to imprint.

I keep chickens in a few hoop house style tractors (roughly 9'X8' hoops, 6' tall at the peak), limiting to 5-8 birds per tractor, moved daily - and was wondering if something of similar design and scale would work for roosting the Guinea? I was thinking of making a hoop house for them that is 3 panels long (vs 2) which would put the dimensions around 9'x12' with a multitude of 2x4s on wide edge as roosts.

Can someone help me with "Guinea Math" - am I in the right ball park regarding scale for a 2 dozen bird flock?

Pic of one of my tractors:

Would like to get a flock of Guineas shortly but am unsure as to what they need from a coop/roost perspective.

I would like to start off with about 18-24 birds, free roaming on our 25 acres.

Given the local predator pressure, I would try to get them into a shelter at dusk and know that they would also need to spend their first several weeks in the shelter to imprint.

I keep chickens in a few hoop house style tractors (roughly 9'X8' hoops, 6' tall at the peak), limiting to 5-8 birds per tractor, moved daily - and was wondering if something of similar design and scale would work for roosting the Guinea? I was thinking of making a hoop house for them that is 3 panels long (vs 2) which would put the dimensions around 9'x12' with a multitude of 2x4s on wide edge as roosts.

Can someone help me with "Guinea Math" - am I in the right ball park regarding scale for a 2 dozen bird flock?

I don't remember where I read it but the number that I recall was 4 sq.ft. of floor space per guinea in the coop. A 9' x 12' coop would provide 108 sq. ft. / 4 sq. ft. = 27 or sufficient coop floor space for the amount of guineas that you want if all of the floor space is clear and not taken up by feeders and waterers.

It is highly recommended to keep the guineas in the coop for at least 6 weeks for them to learn that it is their home. Feeding them and watering them in their coop will also help in getting them to return to the coop.

Guineas can be trained to come to the sound of a bell or whistle or call with the use of treats. I don't use treats to get my guineas in the coop instead I use a long stick and chase them in every evening. It works best to use a stick in each hand and to work slowly.

Read the thread Raising Guinea Fowl 101 and pay particular attention to the posts by PeepsCA. It should answer almost all of your questions.
I don't remember where I read it but the number that I recall was 4 sq.ft. of floor space per guinea in the coop. A 9' x 12' coop would provide 108 sq. ft. / 4 sq. ft. = 27 or sufficient coop floor space for the amount of guineas that you want if all of the floor space is clear and not taken up by feeders and waterers.

It is highly recommended to keep the guineas in the coop for at least 6 weeks for them to learn that it is their home. Feeding them and watering them in their coop will also help in getting them to return to the coop.

Guineas can be trained to come to the sound of a bell or whistle or call with the use of treats. I don't use treats to get my guineas in the coop instead I use a long stick and chase them in every evening. It works best to use a stick in each hand and to work slowly.

Read the thread Raising Guinea Fowl 101 and pay particular attention to the posts by PeepsCA. It should answer almost all of your questions.

Thanks for the calc and the link, both were just what I needed!

Guinea fowl like to roost high up. They tend to need more room than chickens do and they fight alot during roosting if you have them
in a small enclosure.
I would not put more than 5 to 6 birds, just like your chickens in a small area.
Guineas tend to call during the night and if you do not have a secure area the predators will come.
I have 26 guineas in a 12 by 26 by 16 foot area. width x depth x hieght
I would not put more than 30 in such an area and they have 6 to 8 boards to roost on.
They are almost always flying about to each roost and hit the groud mainly to run
the others and to eat and drink.
They roost 10 feet up in this area and seem to be fairly happy.
Remember in the wild they will roost very high in tree limbs.
Hope this helps:
Guinea G..
That does help!

I had thought about putting a two or four foot high kneewall foundation on the hoop house to gain roosting height. Sounds like that might be in order along with making it 4 panels long rather than three, giving roughly 16'x9' and a 10' peak.

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