Coop Ventilation - Have Window...Do We Need More?


7 Years
Aug 5, 2015
Jefferson, NC
Hi everyone! Boy, I have learned a lot from these helpful! About 5 months ago we moved to the mountains in Western North Carolina and bought a mini farm. We've been working to get ready to get our first animals -- chickens!!! Today we pick them up!!! We are getting 3 hens. Can't wait.

We have a huge barn w/ 4 horse stalls which we converted one of them into a coop for the girls (this area was partially used for chickens by the previous owners). The coop has been cleaned & prepared for them and we've added sand to the floor (since these pics were taken). It has a window w/ 2" x 2" fencing (see pic) which will be left open during the day. They have access to the coop from the run through their door anytime they want. For now we have a run set up outside of the barn all fenced in so they are separated from our dogs while they are in "training". We'll see how that goes. Our goal is for the chickens to be able to free range the entire 4.5 acres we have (all fenced w/ 5 ft fencing) but we shall see how it goes.

Anyway, my question is regarding ventilation. We have the window but do we also need a fan? Here in the mountains the high in the summer months is 80 degrees (during heat waves) but more generally in the upper 70s. There's very little's actually beautiful. Coming from Delaware where it was nasty disgustingly hot!!! If I stand in the coop w/ the window closed it seems a bit stuffy to me and I know they create their own form of "humidity" themselves...when it's open it's much better. We were going to close the window at night for safety...I assume that's correct. It's cool in the evenings, but of course, I don't hang out in the barn so I don't know what it feels like in there!

Any suggestions would be wonderful! Thank you so much!

View from outside the barn from the run. Using an old doggie door for the coop door!

Taken before we got the sand for the floor
Thanks for your reply. Do you mean vents in the ceiling (or actually it would be the walls) of the coop It's in a horse stall w/ chicken wire & plastic on the walls. The barn itself has ventilation throughout the entire roof line.
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Take down the plastic on the walls. That could be what is making it stuffy. You want good airflow above the roosting height to move the ammonia that builds up overnight from their poop up and out of the building. Chickens are very sensitive to ammonia build up and it can make them very sick if their area doesn't 'breathe' well.
Ok that makes sense!!

Now that I think about it, I assume they had plastic up around the walls of the horse stalls to prevent the horses and other animals from breathing in the chicken dander, etc. Again, this is our first farm and our first chickens so I'm not sure. I thought I read somewhere that you need to protect other animals from breathing in the chicken dander. Currently we don't have other farm animals. Taking down the plastic would probably make quite a difference. We will do that. Thank you!
Welcome to BYC!
Sounds like paradise! Your setup looks great! The plastic could have been to retain heat and avoid drafts in the wintertime or to keep moisture out. Still, it would make it stuffy if the window is closed. they really do need air exchange. Is there a second window to allow a cross breeze? An option would be to reinforce the screening and leave the window open at night. I chuckled at "nasty disgustingly hot" in Delaware. It's 104 here girls need a fan! 80 deg is a pleasant temp for chickens, not hot at all if there is air movement. How cold will your winters be? We'll be waiting for pictures!
And, just nosy, what area of WNC are you in? Looking to retire shortly and relocate somewhere with trees!
Thank you so much, Mutt Farm (cute name)!!!

It feels like paradise, honestly!!! This property is a blessing! Silence is the #1 thing we have here and I LOVE IT! Our retirement home (although we haven't retired yet).

Yeah, I think the set up will work and I think they'll be happy. We were supposed to be picking up our girls success. There is only 1 non-GMO chicken guy to get chickens from around here (that we know of anyway) so we had to order from him. Overnight shipping must not mean the same thing out here in the country! He still hasn't called us to tell us they arrived. Hummmm.

The previous owners used another part of the barn for the chickens (he had alot) but they obviously got into this stall we are now using as the coop since there was evidence of that. So, I'm not sure what the plastic is about. It's the clear heavy duty plastic. My husband is down there removing it as I type this LOL. There are multiple windows in the barn. The stall just next door to the coop has a window in it as well. Then there are windows throughout so I'll take a look at that. I think there are a couple that we can screen and keep open that may create a cross breeze (it's a big barn w/ a cement foundation -- it's crazy good and was like $40,000 to build we were told!) The previous owner went all out! Our blessing! I was actually thinking about leaving the window open at night. The current screen on the window now is quite strong but, yes, I would feel more comfortable with it reinforced.

104 yikes!!! LOL! We left Delaware because of the 90 degree summers and high humidity! We are loving the cooler weather here in the mountains!! We have not used AC all summer!!!!!! We are in the tiny town of Jefferson NC w/ like 1600 people. We are at an elevation of 3000 feet. The beauty is spectacular here! It's located in Ashe County. Look it up. There are alot of retirees here. Oh there are plenty of trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our 4.5 acres is mostly wooded!

We moved here in January of this year and the winter had some cold days where it was below zero but it doesn't last. It's VERY windy here during the winter, but not much snow. I mean, we are used to snow. I am thinking of the winter's too for them....but trying to figure out what we need NOW so they'll be comfortable and we can work on winter later! LOL.
Where are you living now? Thanks for the info, it's a GREAT help!!!
Oh boy, you ARE in paradise! I spent plenty of time visiting Asheville, Hendersonville and Lincolnton. If you check the thread you'll find folks in your area for resources, winterizing advice, etc.
Having a barn is such a blessing! I have a 5 stall on a foundation with only 2 horses now. 1 stall works great as my chicken house. I reinforced the 16X48 turnout as a yard. We have coyotes, so no unsupervised Free range overnight. You also might want to check to see if your birds will be safe roaming on that much land. Way too many sad stories re predators. Yeah, overnight shipping= 3 days sometimes. There are links to breeders on here also if you search or shout out.
I live in So. Cal, 1/2 way bet LA and Palm Springs. We have 1.5 ac, which is a ponderosa by local Ca standards. Transferred out here from Fla 25 yrs ago. My hubby just early retired, 40 yrs USAF, so we can finally MOVE! I miss my stomping grounds from Mi to Fla.
What did you order for chickens? Hope you'll post pics!
Oh cool. We have not been to any of those towns yet but have heard of them. We've only been in this house since March. Asheville is over 2 hrs from us. We were looking at Boone which is 30 min from us, but when we drove through Ashe County we fell in love. Nothing but Christmas Tree farms, cow farms & beauty beyond description. I drive around looking up in awe and I need to focus on my driving!
There's nothing here. If you're fond of shopping malls, entertainment and the like it's not the place for you. We have to drive to Boone to do any bigger shopping but even they don't have what I would consider a's tiny. I prefer to go to Wilkesboro which is about the same distance but is less congested than Boone. Anyway, we were looking for quiet country living and that's what we found!

Yeah, I've heard we have coyotes here too and they say cougars too but not sure how accurate that one is. No overnighting for our gals!

Thank you so much for the links & info. I will certainly be checking those out!

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