Coop Walls


May 4, 2015
Prairieville, Louisiana
What would you guys recommend i use for the walls of my coop? Treated plywood is the main thought but i was wondering if maybe there were other reasonable options that will not cost quite as much. So far only $75 invested into it and all i need to purchase is floor and walls. The floor will be treated plywood i will drill holes for cleaning purposes.
I would recommend against drilling holes. Seriously difficult to have holes for draining that mice won't use as a highway. Besides adult hen droppings are rather large. I think it would be something you would regret.
Water on any flooring is asking for rot, treated or not.

Much easier to scoop things up with a broom and dust pan then try to force droppings through small holes. Any that do get washed through would be poop soup too. :sick
Water on any flooring is asking for rot, treated or not.
...not to mention molds and any other organism that needs water to grow(all of them).
A dry coop is a healthy coop, especially in your humid climate,
(Thank You for adding your location!).

Have you looked at vermiculite sheets?
Looks like it's used for fireproofing, I've always called that cement board. Don't think it's water proof, so not so great for siding a coop?

I'd just use regular plywood(1/2") and paint/stain it.
Good big roof overhangs all around will help protect the walls and ventilation, you'll need a lot of ventilation in LA.
Knowing more about your coop plans might help us help you with materials.
Do you have anything sketched up yet?
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...not to mention molds and any other organism that needs water to grow(all of them).
A dry coop is a healthy coop.

Looks like it's used for fireproofing, I've always called that cement board. Don't think it's water proof, so not so great for siding a coop?
That's what Dad called it, though the google results don't mach up. Hang on, I'll try to find it. It's white textured sheets that are about 1/16 inch thick. use it for flooring.

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