Coop windows?

check to see if you have a local

Also...water is your enemy in your coop- so making sure windows are leak tight if key. It's the #1 thing that makes coops smelly....

Literally, chicken poop + water= BAD SMELL due to amonia fumes which are also bad for the birds' repiratory system.

Living in the pacific northwest, I know this all too well. I have an overhang over the coop door, so the chickens can drip dry (mostly) before coming in---made a HUGE difference.

Since you're planning.... Consider using the deep litter method. If you're going to do that, then make sure you have a lip at all the doors at least 6" high (if not 10") to keep the litter in!

go to a salvage yard for old windows- you can get them very cheap! Thats what I did.
Most of it was built with stuff I had left over from other projects. The windows- all 4- cost $40 total. The windows also swing open. I found the windows then designed the coop around them. I built the coop around the windows.
Well as for the time and effort to build, if you get a chance, go take a peek at the "Workshop" section of my website... I have the toys to play with, trust me. Granted, most everything is from the 1900's to 1950's or so, but that is my hobby... They just built better tools back then!

I may still look into house windows, but with the mods I wanted to make there is little diffrence between a retro fit of house windows and making something of my own.

Freecycle, well Duh... I am a cheap yankee ya know!

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