Coop Windows?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 12, 2014
I am a first time chicken owner and I am building my first coop. I am planning on putting windows in the coop but I don't know what kind of windows to put in. Any suggestions?
The free ones you find on CL. Look for some that open so you can create a nice cross breeze in the summer.

My chickens love to sit on the roost in front of the window and soak up the sun in the winter. Orient your coop to take advantage of a southern exposure
I suggest using windows that are hinged at the top so you get maximum size advantage of the opening in the wall and you can leave them open when it's raining to mostly protect from any water infiltration.
We JUST built our coop and it has one window and two doors. The 2 sq ft door on the side is for me to get in and clean/change food and water. The 1 sq ft door goes into the run. And then we have a 2 sq ft plexiglass window on the side. It faces the house so we can watch them from the living room. And we just close the shutters before we go to bed. It is connected to the coop with latches so I can take it out if I need to. We also made it latch so that we can switch it out for a hardware cloth/chicken wire window in the summer.

Here is the closed window.

Plexiglass installed
Welcome! It's a cute coop, except I don't see any ventilation. That opening needs hardware cloth, very well attached, and open for ventilation. Are there openings on the other sides? Mary
Try to Google "Chicken Coop Window" images to get ideas and inspirations.

We framed and built our own double pane windows using polycarbonate plastic. There is a window on each side of the 4' x 4' coop. The windows swing out so it is easy to adjust how much ventilation needed with a small chain and hook. When it is really cold and windy at night, we close the two windows that are next to the roosting bar but keep the other two windows and the coop door opened. If it rains really hard, we lower the windows but still keep them open. You can never have too many operable windows and vents. It is easier to put them in when building the coop then to drill holes in the middle of the winter.

Thanks! Yes there's ventilation high up above the roosts and large openings on the other sides that we open during the day.
Do you have a habitat for humanity store, or a used building supply store near you? Any contractors who do re-modeling? Can you pick up windows at the town dump? I picked up 4 name brand thermopane windows in excellent condition, and a steel door with full size thermopane glass at the town dump. Hubby ordered a frame for the door, and we built frames for the windows, mounting them with hinges at the top as shown by yellow chicks. I do suggest that you permanently mount hardware cloth under the windows so you'll have predator protection.
I was installing new windows in my garage at the same time I was adding onto my coop. I got the bright idea of using the old sliding window as a door for the new coop addition. It has worked out better than I had ever imagined.

The hens love to sun themselves by this floor to ceiling window and it allows easy access to the coop for cleaning.

A couple years later, I decided to rebuild my run. A neighbor had recently remodeled their home and had four floor to ceiling glass doors they gave me. I utilized them as permanent wind breaks in the run, and another friend gave me another three full-length doors which I used as windows. There are plenty of open panels where there's chicken wire in summer, and covered with green house panels in winter, resulting in an enclosed run that is warm and cozy on the coldest winter days.

So, go crazy! You can't have too many windows!

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